Saturday, March 14, 2009

Me and My Shadow

My shadow knocked upon my door and asked
Could I please come in?
I felt that old familiar urge
To run and hide again.

Please go away I pled
You are not one with me.
Yes I am my shadow raged
Without I you would not BE.

But I am pure and light I whispered
With child tears running down my skin.
If this is true my shadow replied
Then you can let me in.

I opened the door just a crack at first
Not sure if what I knew was true.
Then I opened my arms and held my shadow close;
There there now it's alright I said
For I indeed am you.

My shadow leaned against me limply
Tired from all of it's "sin".
Thank you my shadow said to me
Thank you for letting me in.

Friday, March 6, 2009

A Thank You from God

I am here
This is true.
Yet where would I be
Without that which is You?

Through you, I touch.
Through you, I see.
Through you, I AM.
Through you, I BE.

It is your steps that give me feet.
It's through your gaze
My love they meet.

See "them"
See ME.
Behold the truth that sets you free.

Behold the world with eyes anew.
Behold yourself as I surely do.

My thanks, your breath
Your life, my praise.
Oh that all might reach this;
The most joyous of days!

Your hand is my vessel
The sturdiest of ships.
My voice heard clearly through
The parting of your lips.

Thank you for this
The holiest of art.
To put on paper
The thoughts of Gods heart.

I love you