Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thoughts on Frosts "The Road Not Taken"

Frost spoke of a path which forked, making him choose but one road.
It seems odd to think that we being 'one traveler' would be tempted with a choice such as this.
Had God forsaken him? Was it meant for the divines amusement, and for the travelers woe.

For it makes no sense that such a trail would be made by a loving creator.
For she hath no desire to taunt us. To make us question our way.
Yet Robert, he did come upon such a place. Making either path be that of a chaser.

Was one the wrong way, while the other the right.
Was one the path of nobleman; the hallway to the light.

It is my humble opinion, that whichever our friend did choose,
He would've ended at the end, no matter the trail he trod.
For perhaps, the point is the journey
and the ending, it matters not.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Listen to the Goosebumps

Goosebumps, chills, tingles. We've all had them. And each and every time we do, they get our attention. Usually, we are compelled to even announce their arrival to whomever is within earshot. Many times the ones we tell are experiencing them too. Is this a coincidence?

We all came from somewhere. We weren't here, and all of the sudden "splat", we're born. We were created. Whatever/whomever created us must have had a purpose for it; something it meant to accomplish by doing so. Wouldn't it makes sense that this creator would hard wire us and our bodies with the ability to receive guidance from the manufacturer.

It is my belief that those goosebumps are our souls way of saying "pay attention" or "you're in the right place" or "this is for you". In the moment of these ripples we feel something more. Something beyond the surface of our reality. The sensation itself could be categorized as uncomfortable, but yet we like it.

Your soul longs to communicate with you and if you will be open to the goosebumps, recognize them for the direction that they are, you will come to know how guided and how not alone you are.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Giving and Receiving

Science tells us that everything is a form of one whole energy. A table, a tree, a thought, a person, all exist and are all a part of one energy, or quantified form. Science also tells us that energy can't be created or destroyed it can only change its form. Therefore, the question energy transforms into the answer energy. The want for something literally transforms into the having of it. If you will allow yourself to become more aware that everything and everyone is the same at a core energetic level. You are not only the "asker" or the seeker but the "knower" and the "haver". Your self-doubt is morphed into a keen awareness that you are everyone and everything. So, when you give that which you seek to another, you are giving it to yourself.

The Words of Mother Teresa:
When I am hungry, send me someone to feed;
When I am thirsty, send me someone who needs a drink;
When I am cold, send me someone to warm;
When I am sad, send me someone to cheer;
When I need understanding, send me someone who needs mine;
When I need to be looked after, send me someone to care for;
When I think only of myself, draw my thoughts to another.