Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Thoughts on Frosts "The Road Not Taken"

Frost spoke of a path which forked, making him choose but one road.
It seems odd to think that we being 'one traveler' would be tempted with a choice such as this.
Had God forsaken him? Was it meant for the divines amusement, and for the travelers woe.

For it makes no sense that such a trail would be made by a loving creator.
For she hath no desire to taunt us. To make us question our way.
Yet Robert, he did come upon such a place. Making either path be that of a chaser.

Was one the wrong way, while the other the right.
Was one the path of nobleman; the hallway to the light.

It is my humble opinion, that whichever our friend did choose,
He would've ended at the end, no matter the trail he trod.
For perhaps, the point is the journey
and the ending, it matters not.

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